Sunday, August 11, 2013

A confession...

When I started blogging (here and Butimnotcute.WordPress. com) I had this idea that I was going to cultivate an image and curate that image so I could be the kind of person people would like and admire and want to read about. 
That didn't last...
But the thing is, when I blog as my dumb, nerdy, antisocial, weird self, people still read it.
I never expected that.
Thank you.
I think you're awesome too.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Why I make things...

I am a maker. Not in the techy, noun-ish sort of way. I don't really fool with that stuff much, to be honest. But I make things.  All the time. Sometimes I don't even want or need the thing,  but I make it anyway because I need the act of making. I never really thought about it much before today. I just... made things.
I'm just beginning to recognize the significance now.
I make stuff because the world sucks and I can't fix it. Because life is unfair, ugly, and unpleasant. Because it's icky out there, and I can't deal with it sometimes. I create beauty from chaos.
Making things is a tiny patch of control I can have even when everything seems screwy. A way to even the playing field a little. The one way I get to be god, if only for a moment.
It feels good to make stuff.
As a kid,  I learned to sew because we couldn't buy the clothes I wanted.
I learned to knit because it looked fun, and learned to crochet because I needed it for projects I wanted to make.
I learned embroidery to be like Momoko in Kamikaze Girls. And then I discovered I liked it!
I paint, doodle, craft, sculpt, and anything else that gets me going.
I'm not always good at it,  but that doesn't matter.
I don't make things to be perfect.
I make things to have.
To become.
To undo.
To relax.
To escape.
This is why I can keep going.
Because I am a maker.

Please be a maker too.
The world needs makers.